What is covered under this insurance plan?
All of the above benefits in a single plan from AED 21 per month. The amount paid as a lump sum (in case of serious illness) or each month (in case of accident and sickness) is dependent on the level of cover you select and stated on your policy schedule.
Key Benefits
In the event of a serious illness you will receive a lump sum benefit of up to AED 300,000
If you are unable to work due to an accident or sickness, you will receive monthly benefits up to AED 25,000
Your nominated beneficiary(s) will receive accidental death benefit of AED 100,000.
In the event of your death repatriation expenses of up to AED 25,000 will also be paid
Loss of income due to a serious illness, accident or sickness is a challenging situation for any individual or family. As an Expat, you face additional complications if you suddenly become seriously ill and are unable to work for a prolonged period of time. You will have to decide whether you continue your treatment in the UAE or in your home country? If your partner is currently working in the UAE and you plan to relocate back to your home country, then your partner may have to look for a new job if he or she relocates with you. Managing your finances without regular income can be stressful particularly if you have financial commitments such as rent, utility bills, school fees etc.
Making difficult decisions in such situations and managing finances without regular income, especially if you have financial liabilities like a mortgage, can be stressful. Orient Insurance PJSC offers you Expat Income Protection - Series 2 which will provide you with monthly benefits for the period you are unable to work due to accident or sickness. In the event of a serious illness you can receive a lump sum benefit that can be used to pay for medical expenses (treatment and recovery), repay debt and replace lost income. Expat income protection will provide relief from the impending financial stress in the event of a serious illness, accident or sickness and you can focus your efforts on your most important priorities, e.g. medical treatment, convalescence and rehabilitation.
Expat Income Protection - Series 2 is brought to you by Orient Insurance PJSC in partnership with Realm Protection Ltd, a specialist Income Protection insurance provider in the UK